eventshoch2 – at the fair “Haus Garten Freizeit 2015” for enviaM and MITGAS

envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG, Chemnitz, Germany
MITGAS Mitteldeutsche Gasversorgung GmbH, Kabelsketal, Germany

Once again, the many visitors from Leipzig and surrounding areas gave us a very warm welcome at the “Haus Garten Freizeit 2015” in Leipzig. After the successful presentation of the innovative and fresh fair stand for enviaM and MITGAS by our event agency eventshoch2 last year, the stand was this year once again the highlight of the fair.

We used the latest trends in the fields of social media and entertainment and created an innovative and very entertaining stand program. Over nine days, we provided many visitors with an unforgettable experience in our energy arena with numerous contests, exciting activities for young and old, and a whole lot of award ceremonies.

To combat thirst, a choice of delicious refreshments was served at the Energy Bar by our attractive hostesses, with whom the guests were able to retire and relax in peace in our green oasis.

The well-known TV presenter Mario D. Richardt (MDR) delighted our guests with his pleasant and interesting moderation at the enviaM and MITGAS fair stand. Mario also participated in our contests, including the planking challenge, which was an unexpected show highlight for the fair visitors. He had to then redeem his lost bet in front of a full house as “David Hasselhoff” with a very lively version of “Looking for Freedom”.

Then, on the Dog Day, a professional dog trainer provided advice to all dog owners who are tormented by the difficult matters of raising their four-footed friends. Of course, “man's best friend” wasn't left behind either and – in addition to countless cuddles– also got a few treats.

Over nine days of the fair, the 1,100 exhibitors displayed the latest products in gardening, construction, living, renovation and design. The multifaceted fair activities and the fair stand of enviaM and MITTGAS attracted a total of 178,600 visitors, who came to experience this exciting event.   

Our event agency eventshoch2 was responsible for the following areas in this project:

  • concept
  • logistics
  • procurement and management of personnel (hostesses, promoters, athletes)
  • children’s entertainment
  • catering (for crew and VIPs)
  • personal supervision of the stand on-site and in advance


Photos: Michael Setzpfandt