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Experiences with commitment and precision!

Welcome to eventshoch2, your Event Agency in Dresden.


With an event, we create unique experiences and emotional highlights which leave a positive trace in the memory, thereby successfully transmitting your communication goals. This means that no idea is too small for us and no challenge too big.

Analytical action, creative conception and perfection in the details characterize the quality of our events – quality delivered by hoch2!

Together with the client, we develop individual event concepts and ensure high-quality presentation.

As trained event managers, we have many years of experience as well the necessary intuition. We value transparent and cost-effective offers. We are your direct contact partners on an eye-to-eye level – from the initial personal meeting up to the perfect conclusion of your event and every time after that too. Sounds convincing? Then we should get to know each other! 

Event Management with Passion and Astuteness!

No matter what you want to achieve with your event – with creative ideas, precise planning and on-time implementation, we bring all your ideas and wishes together to create an impressive total experience.
Even if you do not yet have any concrete ideas for your event, with us you have reached the right people. We present you with individual event concepts and accompany you through all the phases of the project, right up to the staging of your completely personal event.

Take advantage of our strengths and experience as an event agency managed by the owners.

Because we know how it works!
And that is not just a phrase! As trained event managers we have learned our trade from the bottom up. Before founding the agency, we were employed for many years in large event companies and fair organizers. This means experience and a first-knowledge of the sector!

Because we know the decisive partners!
We work together in many areas of event management with dependable cooperation partners and place great value on perfectly coordinated working processes. These synergies guarantee a high degree of professionalism and characterize the success of our events!

Because we have a fair and transparent approach!
We tell you honestly what can be done and we get the most out of your budget. Our offers, which are clear and transparent, do not contain any small print. This is how we see successful event management – as fair and always on an eye-to-eye level with our clients.

Because we excel in efficiency!
You won't find empty talk if you come to us. We are a small agency with a large pool of experienced specialists who, depending on the size of the project, can be used in all areas of event management. This guarantees direct communication and rapid reaction times.

Our services

Small functions or a large event – the decisive factor is creating unforgettable experiences.




Company Events
Company Events

  Company Events  



Event locations
Event locations

  Event locations  



Event decoration
Event decoration

  Event decoration  

Shuttle service
Shuttle service

  Shuttle service  

Event technology
Event technology

  Event technology  

Event staff
Event staff

  Event staff  



Our services


Much more than a simple presentation

Nowhere do you get closer to your customers than at a fair! But be warned – the competition is standing directly opposite you! With our fair concepts, you tap directly into the pulse of your target group and set yourself off decisively from everyboad else. With eventshoch2, your presentation at a fair will be a lasting success.

From the stand concept
to the follow-up work

Fairs with eventshoch2

The preliminaries
What role is our event agency to take on? A simple fair consultancy service, to which we bring our expertise and suggestions for improvements but where you are still in charge of the presentation? Or do you require an all-round service to leave you free to deal with other things?

Reaching the target group
We now proceed to the outline planning of your fair presentation. If a specific fair has not yet been decided on, we jointly select relevant fairs. Because the only good fair is the one which meets your goals. On the basis of a documented selection, we compare possible fairs with your marketing strategy and define your profile.

The perfect presentation
To be noticed and to be remembered – that is what makes the decisive difference with regards to the competition! We create an all-round concept for your fair presentation. This begins with the design of an individual fair stand – on request, on the basis of a virtual computer simulation – and finishes with the planning of accompanying communication strategies. Moreover, we identify the perfect spot for your fair presentation, because the ideal stand is decisive in successful dialogue with your customers.

Before the opening of the fair
A perfect fair stand is the basis for a successful fair presentation. But how does your stand personnel react? Have you organized efficient communication in advance, e.g., by means of press releases or customer mailings? Have communication measures been planned to coincide with the fair? What happens in the case of staff shortages? You can trust our experience in the preparation of your fair. We take all details into consideration and can find the perfect solution to every problem.

During the Fair
Anybody who has ever been involved in setting up a fair knows how hectic it is. Construction is going on everywhere, forklift trucks are coming from every direction, bulky exhibition components have to be installed, the people in charge can never be found. In the midst of this confusion, we keep our eye on the goal. We leave you free to concentrate on other things and ensure the rapid and problem-free construction of your stand up to and including the final disassembly of the stand.

After the fair is before the fair
The fair has been successfully completed and our event agency naturally takes care of smooth disassembly. Now the follow-up work begins. We analyze the progress of the fair and can, on request, draw up an individual evaluation and can, where necessary, recommend possible optimization measures for a professional re-appearance in the next season.

Our services

Company Events

Emotional effects internally and externally

Whether it is an anniversary gala, a product launch or employee motivation – the company event is ideal publicity for your enterprise. Transmit your message in the form of fascinating and unmistakable experiences. This attracts people and they remember it! When it comes to individual events strategies, eventshoch2 will guide you safely to your goal.

Your Company in the Spotlight

Company events with eventshoch2


The objective of the event
In translation, “event” means simply “happening” – and this is what your event is supposed to be, isn't it? It is therefore necessary to define the results you want to achieve with the event before the event takes place. We take the time to calmly explore all questions and wishes in a detailed preliminary meeting. Together, we collect ideas, present various approaches, and adapt these to your individual wishes and ideas.

The perfect theme of the event
What sort of event should it be? A summer festival, a Christmas celebration, or some other employee-oriented event? There are many possibilities and occasions which can be considered for an event. But which event is the right one? When it comes to making a decision, we will be glad to support you on the basis of our experience and we will develop events which are perfectly suited to your goals.

Timing is all-important
Are invitations to be sent in advance? Is it an indoor event or an outdoor event? What about the weather? Are any competitor events taking place at the same time (that includes large events shown on television)? That is only a small selection of the important questions which have to be cleared up before the event takes place. We give precise answers.

The ideal event location
The choice of the right location plays an essential role, since everything depends on that. An impressive location will naturally leave a strong impression on the memory – that helps your event. But can the ideal location be reached without any problems? Should your guests travel with their own car or with an external service provider? Or should your guests arrive at the event in some spectacular way? Only when the right event location has been decided upon can the actual planning start.

You determine the guest-list
Nevertheless, we have to know who you have invited, since certain guests require individual treatment. Whether it is the VIP area for an exclusive guest, personal security for a politician, the special wishes of famous stars, or the need for a personal assistant. We take care of all the details while you can enjoy the show in peace.

Public relations as a bonus
The event is coming up. Everybody is looking forward with great excitement to the opening day of the event, on which something great and spectacular is going to happen. Use this happening to give your company media coverage in the press, television or radio! On request, we can activate media contacts, arrange interviews, organize press conferences, make press releases, thereby bringing you capably into public focus.

Our services


The motivators of motivation and success

True enthusiasm, moments of happy intimacy, or perhaps a breathtaking shot of adrenaline – incentives are emotional success stories – for the company itself, for highly-motivated employees or for long-year premium customers. eventshoch2 creates fascinating memories.

Emotions which last

Incentives with eventshoch2

Successful happenings
Incentives create very special moments through activities and active communication. This consciously-experienced adventure produces unique highlights and remains a permanent memory. Incentives are excellently suited for team motivation. Moreover, incentives can also be the best way to achieve goals such as customer acquisition, strengthening of customer relations or product launches. We discuss your wishes and ideas, your questions, and together define clear objectives for your individual incentive.

The perfect theme is decisive
Incentives are always individual – as they are supposed to be! This is what your clients and employees also are. The great trick is to develop an incentive with which you also really “reach” your target group. You can have confidence in our sure instinct! With original ideas and professional planning, we can design a tailor-made incentive.

When does the starting pistol fire?
Incentives are individual, exciting, action-filled events and, based on experience, almost always take place in an open-air setting. Incentives as open-air events are naturally dependent on the time of year and the weather, and so a few special factors have to be taken into account. What to do in the case of sudden rain, cold temperatures or extreme heat? What sort of clothing will have to be included? This is where it is necessary to keep a clear head. We already have the answers to these questions and proven solutions up our sleeve.

Where should your incentive take place?
Many incentives take place not only at one location. There are often connected stations taking place at different locations. Exact timing and precise preparation plays here a decisive role in avoiding idle periods. The timing of the individual phases of the incentive requires exact planning and perfect coordination with each other. These “just-in-time” happenings demand comprehensive preparation as well as a well-grounded expertise. eventshoch2 offers both. We check to see if the event locations are suitable for your incentive and can guarantee a smooth procedure. Here, we take into account all aspects regarding both security and logistics.

Incentives which work
On the basis of the procedure described above, the individual idea – on which we orient ourselves from the initial joint consultation – actually becomes a real and tangible experience! Every incentive is realized professionally, accurately and with the greatest care. Together with our network of numerous partners, suppliers and artists, we create unique moments.

Increase and enhancement
Upon completion of the incentive we can provide you, on request, with a comprehensive summary. This report makes clear how well the previously defined goals were reached. Moreover, you will receive valuable advice and recommendations for a further optimization and enhancement of your incentive. And naturally your opinion is important to us. For when you are satisfied with us and with the complete event, then we have also reached our goal.

Our services

Event locations

There is always a perfect location

This is what really makes your event into a complete atmospheric experience. So, what's it to be? Close to nature in an adventure camp? In exclusive regal surroundings? Or rather a spectacularly staged industrial hall? You can trust our intuition. We know the secret tips and can make (almost) everything possible.

Fascinating, atmospheric

Event locations with eventshoch2

The choice of the right location for your event forms one of the most important pillars for the rest of the planning. Everything else depends vitally on it. For example, a very good location which is however located a fair distance from the guests' hotel automatically means higher costs for their transport. A badly insulated event location in winter requires that a considerable part of the budget be spent on heating. Regulations regarding monument protection influence possible decoration ideas. Possible limitations in opening times are usually associated with increased personnel requirements. And these are just a few examples of the enormous influence which the choice of the location can have on your event.

We know the numerous traps and dangers which are connected with the choice of the event location and present you with well-thought-out and carefully considered suggestions for your event location. Here, you can be assured that we have already carefully inspected the relevant location in advance.

What media connections are available? What is the transport accessibility like? Is the power supply sufficient? What is the planning for emergency exits and where are they situated? What might have to be rebuilt and specially adapted to your event? On the basis of our experience, we can confidently say in advance whether the event location is suitable for your event, and then, if necessary, to make possible alternatives available to you.

Our services


Indispensable ingredient

Sight, feel, smell, taste – with excellent catering you stimulate all the senses of your guests and that is something they will not soon forget. So don't leave anything to chance, but make an impression with truly outstanding creativity. In cooperation with our specialist partners, we design every catering event as a unique experience in taste – perfectly suited to the occasion, to the event location and to the time of year.

Perfect enjoyment for
successful communication

Catering with eventshoch2


In tune with the theme of your event, the catering should also be – in the truest sense of the word – tastefully presented. This means that many different things have to be taken into consideration which are important for successful catering.

Especially in the case of international guests, the question arises as to the foodstuffs to be used. Foodstuff allergies and any possible diet regimes of your VIP guests also have to be taken into account. If you nevertheless want to provide catering which appeals to all your guests, then this quickly becomes a challenge.

We support you with our specialist knowledge and our experience in selection and combination. Should the catering be served as a menu? Or would you rather have a flying buffet? How many service staff are required? Who is in charge of the catering logistics? We answer these and many other questions together with you and guarantee perfect implementation on the day, so that you can fully concentrate on enjoying the occasion with your guests.

Our services

Event decoration

Just amaze them

Do you want to envelope your clients in the magical ambiance of A Thousand-And-One Nights? Or should your latest product be noticed by everybody on this evening? Does your corporate design have to be included even in the smallest details? Everything is possible and you set the goal! We stage an impressive atmosphere – including surprise effects!

The optical icing
on the cake

Event decoration with eventshoch2


With the right decoration, themed to the central concept of your event, you create unique and positive emotions and round off your whole event. However, decoration is of course much more than small floral bouquets on your guests' tables. With well thought-out and professionally staged event decoration, we create a great atmosphere for your event together with you.

The strength of event decoration lies in being able to transform complete event locations and to create completely new worlds. It builds the artistic bridge between the individual points of your event and, in this way, creating harmony – something, of course, that is vital to the well-being of your guests. Professional event decoration is the frame which artistically frames your event like a painting – something that your guests also notice.

But how to find effective and creative ideas without having to immediately designate most of your budget to this item? How can highlights be created without becoming a burden? What structural solutions are possible in order to turn imaginative ideas into reality and make your event into something special?

Together with our decorators and designers, we develop these creative ideas and imaginative worlds for you. On the basis of sketches and plans, we design feasible works of art. The complete transformation of complete locations or individual highlights, artistic floral bouquets, hand-made designs and unusual elements – we can make all that available to you on request.

Our services

Shuttle service

Take a seat and lean back

On request, the event can start right at your customers' door – either very discretely or with a great fanfare. With our flexible shuttle service, everybody is a VIP, whether within the framework of an event, on an exclusive limousine tour, as well as with the transfer of guests between train station, hotel or airport. We bring everybody punctually, safe and comfortably to their destination.

Individual, safe
and welcoming

Shuttle service with eventshoch2


If you have decided to use a shuttle service for your event, then this gives rise to some further points which have to be cleared up. What form of transportation is to be used? A tour bus, a small bus or a limousine? Are the vehicles to be marked (displaying a logo)? Who is coordinating the fleet? How do your arrange the arrival and the collection of guests? Where are the vehicles supplied with fuel and where are they kept for cleaning while the event is taking place?

From our point of view, shuttle service is not simply the transport of guests from A to B. There is a lot more to it than that, so that even this part of your event becomes a positive experience for your guests. The special wishes of your guests or the cultural preferences of international visitors are also naturally taken into account.

Our event agency is here the right partner by your side. We know exactly what has to be taken into account, which partners are suitable for which task and how this is to be finally implemented.

In this context, we organize not only the shuttle service for your event but we also take care of such things as the transport of special vehicles from all over the world, or of the acquisition of appropriately trained chauffeurs for transport. Even with international events, we offer you a professional shuttle service including acquisition of the shuttle vehicles and shuttle coordinators. We know how to more than satisfy even the most demanding clients in the luxury sector.

Our services

Event technology

The professionals behind the scenes

When your guests are well entertained, the stage is perfectly set, sophisticated effects amaze and, in the end, the host, the audience and the artists go home happy, our specialists have proven their distinct skills. We ensure the smooth procedure of your event with precision and timing.

Technology consultation
with creativity and expertise

Event technology with eventshoch2


The choice of the correct technology is the most important factor in a successful event, particularly when the available budget has to be used efficiently. On too small a scale, the event technology can perhaps lessen the decisive effect of the show; on too large a scale, it may well become a financial burden.

It is therefore particularly important to choose the suitable event technology for your event on an individual basis and with a sense of proportion. With a well-thought-out selection and with the necessary expertise regarding the best possible use, a whole lot can be done with a small outlay. Mostly even more than you think.

Together with you, we discuss the goal of your event and then present you with the suitable technology package for it. On request, we can also explain to you the technical details and possibilities in a comprehensible manner. Once the choice has been made, we take care of the professional installation of the event technology on-site as well as the logistics involved. Trained event technicians then ensure that everything is constructed in a safe manner and in accordance with regulations.

Here, our range goes from basic audio systems, light and video equipment for small events and receptions, up to professional high-end equipment for large productions using state-of-the-art event technology. On request, we can also develop unique special solutions for your individual technical requirements.

Our services

Event staff

Attentive and perfectly coordinated

Only a trained event staff can give an event that final polish. Team leaders, service personnel, guest assistants, promoters and planners – sometimes invisible and tireless in the background, sometimes charming and communicative at your side. Nothing brings our people out of their stride. They always react at the right moment!

From the cordial reception
to the smooth conclusion

Event staff with eventshoch2


When you can no longer look after all of your guests at the same time – that's when you know you have to hand this task over to somebody else. It is then even more important to know that these people are equal to the job and that they will take care of your guests in as friendly and welcoming a manner as you yourself would have wished to do. It is also important here – especially in the case of international guests – to be aware of typical national etiquette, so as to be able to guarantee the well-being of the guest at all times. How reassuring would it be to know that these tasks are in safe hands.

Our event agency undertakes this task with full commitment. According to your wishes, we choose the suitable event staff for your event and, if necessary, can present you with our selection. Whether it is multilingual, attractive hostesses for your fair stand, alert service personal for the catering, simultaneous interpreters for your international clients, or cheerful promoters for your attention-grabbing product presentation – we have a large pool of motivated and highly-trained specialists for (almost) every area of your event. In addition, we take care of all the background logistics as well as the coordination of the individual people so that you have the time and the peace of mind to be able to devote yourself to the most important aspect of your event – your guests.

Our services


For entertainment and applause

Up with the curtain and on with the spotlight! Artists motivate, present, surprise and create emotions. Drawing from an excellent pool of top-flight artists, eventshoch2 has just the thing for every taste and every occasion. And when the deserved applause sounds at the end, it is not only for the artists but always also for the adept host!

Exciting show acts
and musical highlights

Artists with eventshoch2


How can you know in advance the quality of a singer? And what about a fire artist? Will the artists really be able to make an impression with their performance? Will the DJ really be able to get the crowd to dance exuberantly? For the success of your event, you need to know that these points have already been taken care of. Artists are generally the highlight of your event. The highlight which should remain in your guests' memories. It is therefore all the more important to make the right choice here.

With the wealth of artists and bands which are available in Germany alone, choosing good artists or a good band is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If you expand the search to an international level, then it becomes almost impossible to gain an overview. It is exactly here that we support you with our network of exceptional national and international artists from the most varied fields.

These artists, performers, bands and DJs have often proved that they are among the best practitioners of their craft. Our pool of artists therefore also includes various global and European masters in various areas and fields. From the star violinist, the famous celebrities and athletes, film and TV actors and stars, to celebrities, up to popular ensembles – we have the necessary contacts, to book just these sought-after artists for your event.


Enthusiastic guests and satisfied clients – simply success stories!

We are convinced that a mere listing of the names of the companies which our event agency eventshoch2 has looked after is less expressive of the creative ideas and concepts which stand behind our work as an event agency. All events with eventshoch2 are always a special, made-to-measure experience. Transparency is guaranteed only on the basis of a personal discussion. Therefore, we here present only some selected highlights. We will gladly inform you of further references and projects in the course of a personal discussion.

Simply click on a reference in order to see a detailed description and pictures of each event!

Our Customers

What others say

Yago GmbH

Yago GmbH

"From the planning to the execution, the company celebration organized by eventshoch2 on the occasion of the Chinese New Year festival in the year of the tiger harmonized perfectly with the theme and was a complete success. Our customers and suppliers are still raving about the successful event. We would like to once again thank eventshoch2 for the unforgettable evening and for the professional organization."

Jens Kaiser, Head of Marketing

A. Lange & Söhne

A. Lange & Söhne

"eventshoch2 is for A. Lange & Söhne not simply an agency or a service supplier but much much more. They are an important part of our event organization and a constant factor in our daily business, a reliable partner with the indispensable understanding of our brand, which reflects the highest degree of perfection, quality and exclusivity. When you combine this service with the ideal cost factors – since even though we are a manufacturer operating in the luxury sector we are still a medium-sized enterprise – then this results in a perfect symbiosis. This is something that is not at all easy to achieve!"

Damir Berberovic, Head of Events & Exhibitions

envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG

envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG

We have great confidence in the eventshoch2 agency, particularly because of its creative ideas and customer-oriented approach. From the very beginning, we felt that we were receiving an excellent all-round, comprehensive service and knew that our fair presentation was in safe hands. The whole team was highly motivated and concentrated and ensured a good atmosphere and satisfied guests at the stand. For this reason, we made a quite conscious decision to continue working with this partner after the successful fair presentation.

Ulrike Kreißig, Event Management Director

BHS Bau- und Handelsgruppe GmbH & Co. KG

BHS Bau- und Handelsgruppe GmbH & Co. KG

"From the very beginning, we felt that with eventshoch2 we were in good hands. In partnership with eventshoch2, we developed a creative concept for our 25-year company anniversary (an event for business partners as well as a staff party), which was perfectly tailored to the aims of our business group, our business partners and our employees. After the events, we received very positive feedback from all participants regarding the professional organization, the successful choice of artists and the excellent buffet. Out anniversary was a complete success!"

Dr. Philipp Scheib, Managing Director

Handwerkskammer Dresden

Handwerkskammer Dresden

"Our first collaboration with eventshoch2 was a complete success and we are looking forward to repeating it. With eventshoch2, nothing is impossible and the budget is not necessarily the decisive factor. The great team from eventshoch2 rely much more on creativity and have the courage to come up with extraordinary solutions.

With the help of the agency, the Handwerkskammer Dresden mounted an impressive fair presentation at the KarriereStart 2016, which perfectly suited us and our partners at the stand. It also enabled us to access and to excite our target audience and, at the same time, superbly presented the image campaign “The Trades – the Economic Powerhouse from Next Door”.

What we particularly value in our cooperation with eventshoch2 is the understanding of our objectives, the mutual trust, the unique ideas and the great professionalism in the implementation."


Ulrike Brömel, Consultant for Fairs and Exhibitions