eventshoch2 - Pre-SIHH 2012 for A. Lange & Söhne

Lange Uhren GmbH, Glashütte, Germany 

Every year on 6th December, it is finally time – A. Lange & Söhne presents its innovative product in the run-up to the SIHH fair in Geneva. This event, the pre-SIHH, is looked forward to with great excitement every year. For months in advance, the speculations of watch-lovers, bloggers and dealers about what the new watch will look like can be found in the Internet and in other media. That it will be just as dedicated to perfection as all previous A. Lange & Söhne watches is taken for granted. Nevertheless, it is exactly the factor of the unknown, the surprising, the innovative, which every year causes the hearts of the fans of the brand to beat more quickly.

The actual presentation of the watch was embedded in a unique event, in order to provide the journalists and bloggers who had come from all over the world with a wonderful all-round experience in connection with their visit to Dresden. The guests had a choice of three different and very interesting program points, before they were brought by evening shuttle to the presentation location, in an exclusive design villa on the Dresden River Slopes. The villa was redesigned with decorative furnishings into a sort of “A. Lange & Söhne villa”, so that its exclusive character was even more impressive. With a breath-taking view of the splendidly illuminated Dresden by night, the evening event then began.

The snow-covered terrace provided a wonderful winter backdrop to a brief champagne reception, after which the guests were accompanied by our hostesses into the completely converted presentation room. In keeping with the theme of the new watch, this room was decorated completely in black. Only internally illuminated, ceiling-height macro-graphics lit up the room in a dim light. The provided a foretaste – but nobody was able to exactly make out what the new watch looked like.

After a formal introduction by the CEO Wilhelm Schmid, the light in the room was then completely extinguished. To the accompaniment of music composed specially for this moment, a watchmaker strode through the darkened room to present the new watch to the amazed spectators. At the same time, the journalists were able to view an impressive film on the wall. By the end, it was finally clear for everybody to see – the “Grande Lange 1 Lumen”. The perhaps most important of its numerous features was then directly demonstrated – elements of the watch shine in the dark. The “Director of Product Development”, Anthony de Haas, subsequently answered journalists' questions concerning the new watch.

After the presentation of the watch, the guests were then brought to the concluding event at Albrechtsberg Castle. And even here it was not difficult to see who the star of the evening was. In the middle of the great mirrored hall, the “Grande Lange 1 Lumen” was placed on a stone stele drawing all the attention to itself. The evening then ended with relaxing live music, while the first journalists took advantage of the opportunity and, on the very same evening, uploaded the first pictures onto the Net to the eagerly expectant Internet community. Anybody interested in this watch should be aware that the current model is limited to 200 pieces, and because of the enormously high demand, it will be extremely difficult to obtain one of these watches.

Our event agency eventshoch2 was responsible at this event for the following activities:

  • idea development for the presentation of the watch
  • decoration including complete conversion
  • shuttle service
  • hostesses
  • catering
  • decoration of the watches
  • security

We had great fun playing with light and dark at this event. We are already curious about what sort of watch will be presented at the pre-SIHH 2013. In any case, it is once again certain to be a unique and impressive event.